Introducing our Fixed Fee Initial Termsheet Review (FFITR) service.
It's time to improve your property finance outcomes - learn what the experts know, avoid unpleasant surprises and save money and time!
What is FFITR?
FFITR is the cost-effective must-have service borrowers have always needed to improve their development and commercial property financing outcomes but either thought they couldn’t afford or didn’t understand the importance of.
Why you need to get FFITR
Avoid the unpleasant surprises found in finance documents which are often not identified by you or your advisers before it is too late. Remember, finance documents are generally drafted by the financier so they will not necessarily provide you with the outcomes you need or want.
Never assume that finance documents will give you the flexibility you want in dealing with issues associated with your project. Understand that your pre-sales may not count towards satisfying your financier’s requirements. Don’t structure your investment in a way which will prevent you from proceeding with your proposed financing.
What are the benefits of getting FFITR?
We leverage off our 35+ years of legal experience in property financing transactions (acting for borrowers and lenders) to assist borrowers who are seeking development or commercial property finance improve their position under the finance documents to be entered into.
The purpose of our review is to assist borrowers to understand the major non-financial terms associated with their proposed financing (which are either referred to in the term sheet or not expressly referred to but are likely to be included in the formal documentation). We focus on those terms which can have potentially adverse financial or commercial consequences.
Provided at a cost-effective fixed fee, this service will:
- improve a borrower’s understanding of the financial and commercial consequences of often difficult to understand legal terms found in finance documents,
- assist borrower’s negotiate changes to such terms to minimise their negative consequences,
- reduce the total legal costs for borrowers by minimising the time taken by their transactional lawyers in trying to renegotiate such terms when it may be too late to do so, and
- make the whole financing process run more efficiently thereby reducing delays in reaching completion.
If you would like to get FFITR this year then please contact me to discuss how we can apply our longstanding experience and expertise in a very cost-effective way to improve your financial outcomes.
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